You are seeing this notification because you are currently using the Lite Edition of PHP Generator. This edition allows you to create full-fledged web applications; however, we also offer the Professional Editon of this product that includes a lot of additional features. Refer to the Comparison Table to find considerable differences between the available editions.

The list below shows the top features the Professional Edition provides (click a link to see the corresponding feature in action).

To get the power of these features, purchase the Professional edition of PHP Generator. After purchasing you will get also priority support by e-mail and free upgrades during one or three year(s). Click the Buy now button to place an order.

Sincerely yours,
SQL Maestro Group team
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To get rid of this notification in the future, open the project file, go to the 4th step of the wizard, click the "Edit user JavaScript..." button and remove all code from there. Then regenerate the application.